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24-46 Persons Aged 10 and Over Having Used Personal Computer by Age/

Educational Attainment/Economic Activity Status, 2002 - 2004
Item 2002 2003 2004
Number of Number of Number of
persons Percent Rate+ Persons Percent Rate+ Persons Percent Rate+
Age Group
10�14 414700 12.7 96.2 422200 12.2 96.3 418200 11.4 98.0
15�24 823200 25.2 92.3 833300 24.1 94.3 852000 23.2 95.8
25�34 830800 25.4 76.2 858600 24.8 79.6 892400 24.3 85.0
35�44 792300 24.2 58.4 856600 24.7 62.9 908900 24.8 68.4
45�54 317300 9.7 31.2 388500 11.2 36.1 449200 12.2 40.3
55�64 71300 2.2 13.8 87900 2.5 16.2 117800 3.2 20.6
65 and Over 20800 0.6 2.8 17200 0.5 2.2 31300 0.9 4.0
Overall 3270300 100.0 54.0 3464400 100.0 56.2 3669700 100.0 59.5
Educational Attainment
No Schooling/ 308900 9.4 17.0 314100 9.1 17.6 311400 8.5 18.2
Secondary/Matriculation 2002700 61.2 62.6 2379400 68.7 67.4 2303700 62.8 69.0
Tertiary 958700 29.3 92.8 770900 22.3 91.6 1054600 28.7 94.3
Overall 3270300 100.0 54.0 3464400 100.0 56.2 3669700 100.0 59.5
Economic Activity
Economically Active 2173500 66.5 61.5 2328500 67.2 64.6 2495300 68.0 68.6
Economically Inactive 1096800 33.5 43.5 1135900 32.8 44.4 1174400 32.0 46.4
Students 860900 26.3 97.5 883200 25.5 97.2 862800 23.5 98.5
Retired Persons 35300 1.1 5.3 36700 1.1 4.5 48000 1.3 9.0
Home-makers 186200 5.7 21.1 200700 5.8 26.0 250900 6.8 24.8
Others 14500 0.4 16.5 15300 0.4 22.8 12700 0.3 11.6
Overall 3270300 100.0 54.0 3464400 100.0 56.2 3669700 100.0 59.5

Notes : Figures are based on a Household Survey on Information Technology Usage and Penetration conducted during May to July in 2002,
May to August in 2003 and June to August in 2004. They refer to the number of persons aged 10 and over who had used personal computer in
the twelve months before enumeration.
+ As a percentage of all persons aged 10 and over in the respective age/educational attainment/economic activity status groups. For example,
Survey in 2002.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

Copyright © 2006 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates, all rights reserved.

Revised 26-April-2006