MAIN CATEGORIES: 1. Administrative Areas and Natural Resources 2. General Survey 3. National Accounts 4. Population 5. Employment and Wages 6. Investment in Fixed Assets 7. Energy 8. Government Finance 9. Price Indices 10. People Livelihood 11. General Survey of Cities 12. Environment Protection 13. Agriculture 14. Industry 15. Construction 16. Transport, Post and Telecommunication Services 17. Domestic Trade 18. Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 19. Tourism 20. Financial Intermediation 21. Education , Science and Technology 22. Culture, Sports and Public Health 23. Other Social Activities 24. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 25. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Macao Special Administrative Region APPENDIX I. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Taiwan Province APPENDIX II. Comparison of Indicators of China and Other Countries
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Notes: ?Figures for exports of services have incorporated the revised data on destination consumption expenditure of incoming visitors and travellers released by the Hong Kong Tourism Board in March 2005, and the figures estimated on the basis of latest data released by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. ?Separate figures for "First submission" and "Major revision" were not available for 2002 and the years before. ?Figures are for the corresponding financial year. For example, figures for 2004 represent those for financial year 2004/05. Since May 2005, the housing type classifications of HA public housing production have been revised as stated in notes ? and ? below. The above production figures have taken into account of this re-classification. ?The production of Public Rental Housing also includes projects transferred from surplus Home Ownership Scheme. The production of Interim Housing and projects built as public rental housing but subsequently transferred to Buy or Rent Option Scheme / Mortgage Subsidy Scheme housing is not included. ?The production and sale of Home Ownership Scheme/Private Sector Participation Scheme flats have ceased indefinitely since 2003, except for the unsold and returned flats which will be sold to sitting tenants of public rental housing and those who are about to be rehoused to public rental housing after end 2006.For those Home Ownership Scheme/Private Sector Participation Scheme flats that have been completed or are under construction (i.e.surplus projects), these will be disposed of through market-friendly means. Figures of production of Home Ownership Scheme/Private Sector Participation Scheme exclude 6774 flats which have been transferred to government quarters/private housing and 5050 flats in surplus projects pending disposal. ?Figures include arrival of non-Macao residents via Macao. ?Figures are for the corresponding financial year. For example, figures for 2004 represent those for financial year 2004/05. ?Figures are adjusted to include foreign currency swap deposits. ? Figures are adjusted to exclude foreign currency swap deposits. Hong Kong dollar is the legal tender in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as stated in "The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China". Foreign currency refers to any currency other than the Hong Kong currency. So Chinese Renminbi is also treated as foreign currency. ?New series released since 2 January 2002. (11)Figures cover both day and evening schools. (12)Figures before 2001 refer to all students of UGC-funded programmes,except for research postgraduate (RPg) programmes of which only students counted within the formal time limit and within the UGC student number target are included. Figures from 2001 onwards also include students attending full-time accredited self-financing post-secondary programmes. Figures from 2003 onwards also include RPg students counted within the formal time limit and outside the UGC student number target but wholly funded by UGC. (13)Figures are as at end of the financial year. (14)Figures prior to 2004 have been revised with the adoption of an enhanced methodology based on more relevant data available. (15)A positive value for the balance figure in the current account represents a surplus whereas a negative value represents a deficit. For the capital and financial account, a positive value indicates a net capital and financial inflow and a negative value indicates a net outflow. As increases in external assets are debit entries and decreases are credit entries, a negative value for net change in reserve assets represents a net increase and a positive value represents a net decrease. (16)In principle, the net sum of credit entries and debit entries is zero. In practice, discrepancies between the credit and debit entries may however occur for various reasons as the data are collected from many sources. Equality between the sum of credit entries and debit entries is brought about by the inclusion of a balancing item which reflects net errors and omissions. (17)Position as at end of period. (18)Net international investment position is the difference between total external financial assets and total external financial liabilities. ^ Provisional figure. @ Subject to revision later on. +Includes the payments for 1 April 2001. �Includes the payments for 1 April 2002, but excludes the payments for 1 April 2001. ~Excludes the payments for 1 April 2002. These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China. Copyright © 2006 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates, all rights reserved. Revised 26-April-2006 |