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21-9 Number of Postgraduate Students by Field of Study (2004)

Item New Graduates
Enrollment Doctor's Master's Total Doctor's Master's Doctor's Master's
Degree Degree Enrollment Degree Degree Degree Degree
Total 326286 53284 273002 819896 165610 654286 150777 23446 127331
Philosophy 3882 684 3198 9666 2143 7523 1854 392 1462
Economics 17007 2720 14287 42425 8564 33861 8098 1309 6789
Law 22979 2233 20746 55575 6515 49060 11097 1022 10075
Education 10053 963 9090 22812 2510 20302 4276 410 3866
Literature 24783 2301 22482 57589 6434 51155 10483 1033 9450
History 4572 926 3646 11319 2771 8548 2407 473 1934
Science 41067 10083 30984 102381 28769 73612 17540 4518 13022
Engineering 120750 20271 100479 318063 69315 248748 56074 8054 48020
Agricultrue 12110 2169 9941 28930 6112 22818 5165 977 4188
Medicine 33012 6450 26562 81859 17771 64088 16128 3700 12428
Military 174 31 143 427 109 318 59 13 46
Management 35897 4453 31444 88850 14597 74253 17596 1545 16051
Regular 310672 47502 263170 779408 148561 630847 143813 20607 123206
Philosophy 3762 649 3113 9327 2036 7291 1782 365 1417
Economics 16519 2513 14006 40983 7922 33061 7786 1188 6598
Law 22407 2125 20282 54299 6166 48133 10797 922 9875
Education 9999 935 9064 22664 2433 20231 4243 392 3851
Literature 24584 2239 22345 57105 6279 50826 10385 1000 9385
History 4490 907 3583 11121 2714 8407 2355 454 1901
Science 34706 7029 27677 85643 19921 65722 14916 3001 11915
Engineering 114834 18501 96333 302296 63768 238528 53297 7262 46035
Agricultrue 11577 1971 9606 27772 5617 22155 5009 910 4099
Medicine 32242 6276 25966 79932 17302 62630 15727 3601 12126
Military 173 31 142 421 109 312 59 13 46
Management 35379 4326 31053 87845 14294 73551 17457 1499 15958
Research 15614 5782 9832 40488 17049 23439 6964 2839 4125
Philosophy 120 35 85 339 107 232 72 27 45
Economics 488 207 281 1442 642 800 312 121 191
Law 572 108 464 1276 349 927 300 100 200
Education 54 28 26 148 77 71 33 18 15
Literature 199 62 137 484 155 329 98 33 65
History 82 19 63 198 57 141 52 19 33
Science 6361 3054 3307 16738 8848 7890 2624 1517 1107
Engineering 5916 1770 4146 15767 5547 10220 2777 792 1985
Agricultrue 533 198 335 1158 495 663 156 67 89
Medicine 770 174 596 1927 469 1458 401 99 302
Military 1 1 6 6
Management 518 127 391 1005 303 702 139 46 93

These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

Copyright © 2006 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates, all rights reserved.

Revised 26-April-2006