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21-12 Number of Students in Adult Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study (2004)

New Under- Specia- Total Under- Specia- Graduates Under- Specia-
Enroll- graduate lized Enroll- graduate lized graduate lized
ment Courses Courses ment Courses Courses Courses Courses
Total 2211580 759434 1452146 4197956 1415954 2782002 1896152 540356 1355796
Run by Adult Institutions 428840 61985 366855 741070 106320 634750 423342 54446 368896
of Higher Education
Teacher Training 105144 49654 55490 175813 86376 89437 101812 44345 57467
Philosophy 3 3 16 16 9 9
Economics 27002 757 26245 42162 1486 40676 29678 1110 28568
Law 34661 6508 28153 49848 9458 40390 35490 4571 30919
Education 35947 8600 27347 62725 15215 47510 38213 7419 30794
Literature 89804 27129 62675 146564 46477 100087 89507 21668 67839
Foreign Language 27155 11182 15973 42172 18155 24017 21107 7978 13129
Art 14241 3422 10819 22770 5550 17220 17286 2812 14474
History 1718 1102 616 2876 2089 787 1874 1225 649
Science 18268 10720 7548 31917 20398 11519 17618 11820 5798
Engineering 62665 2512 60153 122154 3905 118249 54314 1792 52522
Agriculture 1869 42 1827 2266 42 2224 990 990
Medicine 36223 1884 34339 83973 1965 82008 38093 1441 36652
Management 120680 2731 117949 196569 5285 191284 117556 3400 114156
Run by Regular Institutions 1782740 697449 1085291 3456886 1309634 2147252 1472810 485910 986900
of Higher Education
Teacher Training 359855 194463 165392 706150 358351 347799 365158 152872 212286
Philosophy 30 30 24 24
Economics 97455 32733 64722 182149 64656 117493 91627 25710 65917
Law 118444 68101 50343 218139 130313 87826 98150 46682 51468
Education 107089 37376 69713 212433 67015 145418 109415 21414 88001
Literature 328658 161867 166791 610346 291935 318411 308423 118815 189608
Foreign Language 109504 59771 49733 179828 103879 75949 73699 41576 32123
Art 70574 35202 35372 126774 60545 66229 77016 24539 52477
History 7644 5047 2597 14227 9924 4303 6656 4991 1665
Science 81286 59184 22102 152718 110352 42366 70495 48684 21811
Engineering 348060 123360 224700 719740 255206 464534 270520 86469 184051
Agriculture 38583 10311 28272 66633 17238 49395 21449 3093 18356
Medicine 209250 70408 138842 489328 126185 363143 163696 50773 112923
Management 446271 129062 317209 791143 236780 554363 332355 79255 253100

These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

Copyright © 2006 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates, all rights reserved.

Revised 26-April-2006