Classification |
Number of |
Turnover |
Wholesale |
Retail |
Booth (unit) |
(100 million yuan) |
Trade |
Trade |
National Total |
2229818 |
26102.7 |
21116.9 |
4985.8 |
Food, Beverages, Tobacco and Liquor |
789601 |
6730.8 |
4802.0 |
1928.8 |
Grain, Oil, Fruit and Vegetable |
479018 |
3526.3 |
2529.4 |
996.9 |
Garments, Footgear, Hats, Knitgoods |
679156 |
5146.3 |
4352.9 |
793.4 |
and Textiles |
28296 |
203.6 |
165.9 |
37.6 |
Cosmetics |
153406 |
1005.5 |
855.7 |
149.8 |
Articles for Daily Use |
46332 |
527.1 |
420.8 |
106.3 |
Hardware & Electrical Materials |
10364 |
88.7 |
80.0 |
8.6 |
Sports & Recreational Articles |
3550 |
27.5 |
21.6 |
5.8 |
Newspapers and Magazines |
6583 |
71.6 |
55.5 |
16.1 |
E-journal and Video Products |
31213 |
484.5 |
373.6 |
110.9 |
Household Appliances and Video Equipments |
20805 |
217.4 |
100.2 |
117.2 |
Chinese Traditional Medicine and |
19437 |
201.9 |
92.9 |
109.0 |
Western Medicine |
Chinese Herbal Medicine and Chinese Nostrum |
35505 |
467.3 |
297.4 |
169.9 |
Cultural Office Articles |
44706 |
413.6 |
225.5 |
188.1 |
Furniture |
3900 |
96.7 |
68.4 |
28.3 |
Coal and Related Products |
3134 |
105.6 |
100.0 |
5.6 |
Wood and Wooden Products |
23323 |
471.1 |
393.8 |
77.3 |
Raw Chemical Materials and Their Products |
16436 |
1194.2 |
1167.6 |
26.7 |
Metal Materials |
46041 |
4421.4 |
4320.1 |
101.3 |
Building and Decoration Materials |
84778 |
1209.0 |
899.0 |
310.0 |
Mechanical & Electrical Products |
46503 |
1704.3 |
1172.0 |
532.3 |
Agricultural Machinery |
4089 |
98.2 |
89.5 |
8.7 |
Automobile |
20804 |
1238.1 |
812.5 |
425.6 |
Others |
156186 |
1516.7 |
1244.9 |
271.7 |
Second Hand |
16276 |
202.8 |
173.5 |
29.3 |