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16-30 Possession of Civil Transport Vessels

Motor Vessels Barges
Year Number Dead Passenger Drawing Number Dead Passenger
Region (unit) Weight Capacity Power (unit) Weight Capacity
Tonnage (seat) (kw) Tonnage (seat)
(ton) (ton)
1980 64307 12789410 545042 1514998 119464 5951401 100312
1985 260296 20898230 877963 1665030 132682 8670224 99643
1989 351450 27290103 1095018 1759366 88903 8958617 52459
1990 325858 29090082 1138937 1750351 82482 9066738 62926
1991 307127 29959203 1169982 1845705 78410 9588216 61526
1992 302313 31225749 1177035 1844101 71255 9437823 46337
1993 307285 34682035 1124114 1734606 65196 8891435 43801
1994 293472 39591864 1065140 1678066 59913 8898065 26335
1995 299717 40940087 979985 1707115 57998 9449652 17722
1996 269879 39774235 988046 1616585 56128 9315335 15148
1997 215814 38749289 1022970 1468612 49983 9064891 13879
1998 212093 38896576 983630 1584601 48115 9019417 14914
1999 194590 38911462 929138 1494500 47453 8981998 10306
2000 185018 42640605 1014013 1439743 44658 8640504 18258
2001 169329 45526726 1048915 1370221 41457 8968670 27902
2002 165936 48372587 945387 1433547 37041 8683075 33405
2003 163813 60745234 971514 1269607 40457 9871079 30631
2004 166854 75114059 961562 1197191 43846 11058522 34666
Tianjin 209 4256769 3894 28145 33 37741
Hebei 52 3228535 465 1 2052
Shanxi 228 8321 5450
Inner Mongolia
Liaoning 710 2932628 22145 15821 21 7752
Jilin 562 5893 12144 2931 30 13440
Heilongjiang 1100 43955 14619 51342 396 227800 150
Shanghai 2077 13537516 79273 101767 603 263081
Jiangsu 38028 7522191 32913 372940 18767 4675784 598
Zhejiang 28827 8062402 61462 50702 2972 274842 346
Anhui 28439 10441864 19305 64857 3154 764959
Fujian 2700 2811403 27935 5494 167 24823
Jiangxi 3978 746964 15832 7477 146 30898
Shandong 3370 3024973 19899 150129 10310 2731360
Henan 4657 1596455 6211 4467 323 45211
Hubei 3759 1178888 29689 127638 1338 1155732
Hunan 8800 649198 76885 16242 449 73391 2167
Guangdong 13286 6630798 71032 44125 116 78937
Guangxi 8182 1656096 89207 1477 10 6042
Hainan 695 391948 15893 1205 4 5448
Chongqing 3048 1150138 124342 115530 954 524270 1492
Sichuan 8963 267943 150578 26464 3173 90646 18139
Guizhou 2000 52180 26594 5588 139 20863
Yunnan 1190 45731 23261 376 2 140
Shaanxi 1181 8065 19815 385 502 1161 4403
Gansu 381 2087 8625 43 414 1581
Qinghai 61 1074
Ningxia 278 291 3485 1624 193 1735 5790
Not Classified 93 4860827
by Region

a) Number of civil transport vessels not classified by region is the number of abroad companies under China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the National Bureau Of Statistics of the The Peoples Republic Of China and are subject to revision by the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

Copyright © 2006 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates, all rights reserved.

Revised 26-April-2006