Item |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
Average Daily Ton-kilometers of Freight |
Locomotives (10 000 ton-km) |
99.4 |
99.9 |
102.2 |
105.8 |
108.7 |
Diesel Locomotives |
101.1 |
100.7 |
99.3 |
101.4 |
103.4 |
Electric Locomotives |
99.6 |
100.7 |
106.8 |
112.8 |
117.1 |
Average Total Tonnage of Freight Locomotives (ton) |
2676 |
2760 |
2789 |
2829 |
2934 |
Diesel Locomotives |
2608 |
2668 |
2648 |
2679 |
2768 |
Electric Locomotives |
2869 |
2985 |
3028 |
3071 |
3198 |
Daily Distance per Freight Locomotive (km) |
443 |
437 |
445 |
450 |
455 |
Daily Distance per Passenger Locomotive (km) |
521 |
533 |
557 |
562 |
612 |
Oil Consumption of Diesel Locomotives |
(kg/10 000 ton-km) |
25.8 |
25.7 |
25.9 |
25.4 |
25.0 |
Electricity Consumption of Electric Locomotives |
(kwh/10 000 ton-km) |
113.2 |
113.1 |
110.8 |
110.0 |
111.2 |
Punctuality Rate of Freight Trains at Departure (%) |
97.2 |
97.2 |
97.3 |
96.9 |
96.5 |
Punctuality Rate of Freight Trains in Running (%) |
96.8 |
96.8 |
96.7 |
96.5 |
96.2 |
Punctuality Rate of Passenger Trains at Departure (%) |
99.8 |
99.8 |
99.8 |
99.7 |
99.8 |
Punctuality Rate of Passenger Trains in Running (%) |
97.1 |
96.9 |
97.6 |
96.5 |
95.9 |
Technical Speed of Passenger Trains (km/hr) |
66.6 |
69.5 |
71.4 |
71.7 |
73.7 |
Traveling Speed of Passenger Trains (km/hr) |
56.8 |
60.5 |
62.0 |
62.2 |
64.4 |
Density of Passenger Transport |
(10 000 passenger-km/km) |
753.0 |
785.0 |
807.0 |
765.0 |
903 |
Technical Speed of Freight Trains (km/hr) |
46.4 |
46.7 |
47.1 |
47.1 |
46.7 |
Running Speed of Freight Trains (km/hr) |
31.8 |
39.5 |
32.4 |
32.8 |
32.2 |
Density of Freight Transport (10 000 ton-km/km) |
2274 |
2412 |
2533 |
2726 |
2997 |
Turning Around Time of Freight Cars (day) |
5.39 |
5.08 |
5.10 |
5.10 |
4.94 |
Handling Time of Freight (hour) |
23.1 |
22.0 |
21.2 |
20.9 |
17.2 |
Transfer Waiting Time per Car (hour) |
4.7 |
4.6 |
4.6 |
4.5 |
4.4 |
Static Load of Freight Cars (Standard Gauge) (ton) |
57.9 |
58.1 |
58.2 |
58.3 |
59.3 |
Utilization Rate of Loading Capacity of Freight Cars (%) |
97.1 |
97.3 |
96.7 |
96.5 |
98.0 |