Prison Population and Incarceration Rate - 2007 Rankings (Alphabetical Order)

SOURCE: United Nations Development Programme

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Data for the following table were reported by the United Nations Development Programme. For explanations, please refer to the notes below the table.

Prison Population and Prisoners per 100,000 People, by Country
Ranked by Highest to Lowest Incarceration Rate (per 100,000 people) in alphabetical order.

Scroll horizontally to see the rest of the table details.

Rank Country/Region Prisoners Per 100,000 People Prison Population         
91 Albania 111 3,49
79 Algeria 127 42,00
38 Antigua and Barbuda 225 176,00
71 Argentina 140 54,47
109 Armenia 89 2,88
80 Australia 126 25,35
95 Austria 105 8,77
39 Azerbaijan 219 18,26
7 Bahamas 462 1,50
103 Bahrain 95 701,00
143 Bangladesh 50 71,20
10 Barbados 367 997,00
8 Belarus 426 41,58
106 Belgium 91 9,60
6 Belize 487 1,36
115 Bolivia 83 7,71
135 Bosnia & Herzegovina 59 1,53
15 Botswana 348 6,26
48 Brazil 191 361,40
70 Brunei 140 529,00
66 Bulgaria 148 11,44
137 Cambodia 58 8,16
82 Cameroon 125 20,00
93 Canada 107 34,10
54 Cape Verde 178 755,00
34 Chile 240 39,92
87 China 118 1,548,498
73 Colombia 134 62,22
152 Comoros 30 200,00
148 Congo 38 918,00
53 Costa Rica 181 7,78
119 Croatia 81 3,59
5 Cuba 487 55,00
122 Cyprus 76 580,00
50 Czech Republic 185 18,95
121 Denmark 77 4,20
134 Djibouti 61 384,00
9 Dominica 419 289,00
68 Dominican Republic 143 12,73
105 Ecuador 93 12,25
110 Egypt 87 61,85
56 El Salvador 174 12,18
Equatorial Guinea
19 Estonia 333 4,46
99 F.Y.R.O.Macedonia 99 2,03
75 Fiji 131 1,11
123 Finland 75 3,95
113 France 85 52,01
41 Gabon 212 2,75
150 Gambia 32 450,00
26 Georgia 276 11,73
102 Germany 95 78,58
141 Ghana 55 12,74
108 Greece 90 9,98
29 Grenada 265 237,00
138 Guatemala 57 7,23
45 Guyana 199 1,52
145 Haiti 43 3,67
62 Honduras 161 11,59
57 Hong Kong 168 11,58
64 Hungary 156 15,72
147 Iceland 40 119,00
151 India 30 332,11
144 Indonesia 45 99,95
40 Iran 214 147,93
125 Ireland 72 3,08
42 Israel 209 13,91
97 Italy 104 61,72
52 Jamaica 182 4,91
132 Japan 62 79,06
98 Jordan 104 5,59
17 Kazakhstan 340 49,29
77 Kenya 130 47,04
76 Kuwait 130 3,50
24 Kyrgyzstan 292 15,74
126 Laos 69 4,02
23 Latvia 292 6,68
58 Lebanon 168 5,97
65 Lesotho 156 2,92
43 Libya 207 11,79
35 Lithuania 240 8,12
59 Luxembourg 167 768,00
94 Madagascar 107 20,29
69 Malaysia 141 35,64
16 Maldives 343 1,13
111 Malta 86 352,00
154 Mauritania 26 815,00
44 Mauritius 205 2,46
46 Mexico 196 214,45
33 Moldova 247 8,88
27 Mongolia 269 7,00
55 Morocco 175 54,54
86 Myanmar 120 60,00
28 Namibia 267 4,81
155 Nepal 26 7,14
78 Netherlands 128 21,01
49 New Zealand 186 7,62
100 Nicaragua 98 5,61
153 Nigeria 30 40,44
128 Norway 66 3,05
120 Oman 81 2,02
139 Pakistan 57 89,37
Palestinian Territories
11 Panama 364 11,65
127 Papua New Guinea 69 4,06
112 Paraguay 86 5,06
81 Peru 126 35,64
92 Philippines 108 89,64
37 Poland 230 87,90
85 Portugal 121 12,87
140 Qatar 55 465,00
60 Romania 164 35,43
2 Russia 611 869,81
21 Saint_Lucia 303 503,00
84 Samoa 123 223,00
118 Sao Tome & Principe 82 155,00
74 Saudi Arabia 132 28,61
142 Senegal 54 5,36
36 Seychelles 239 193,00
14 Singapore 350 15,04
63 Slovakia 158 8,49
129 Slovenia 65 1,30
133 Solomon Islands 62 297,00
18 South Africa 335 157,40
101 South Korea 97 45,88
67 Spain 145 64,22
89 Sri Lanka 114 23,61
3 St Kitts and Nevis 547 214,00
20 St. Vincent/Grenadines 312 367,00
149 Sudan 36 12,00
13 Suriname 356 1,60
32 Swaziland 249 2,73
117 Sweden 82 7,45
114 Switzerland 83 6,11
136 Syria 58 10,60
61 Tajikistan 164 10,80
90 Tanzania 113 43,91
31 Thailand 256 164,44
146 Timor-Leste 41 320,00
131 Togo 65 3,20
88 Tonga 114 128,00
22 Trinidad & Tobago 296 3,85
30 Tunisia 263 26,00
107 Turkey 91 65,46
4 Turkmenistan 489 22,00
104 Uganda 95 26,13
12 Ukraine 356 165,72
25 United Arab Emirates 288 8,93
83 United Kingdom 124 88,46
1 United States 738 2,186,230
47 Uruguay 193 6,95
51 Uzbekistan 184 48,00
130 Vanuatu 65 138,00
124 Venezuela 74 19,85
96 Viet Nam 105 88,41
116 Yemen 83 14,00
72 Zimbabwe 139 18,03

Countries for which there is no adequate or comparable data are listed at the bottom of the table.

Because of differences in legal definitions, data are not strictly comparable across countries.

Data refer to a year 2007, but in some cases to a different year if otherwise not available. In some cases the intentional homicide rate differs from the standard definition or refers to only part of a country.

Data from ICPS - International Center for Policy Studies.

NOTE: The table on this page is re-published from data provided by the United Nations Development Program. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of prisoner information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about national prison incarceration rate index should be addressed to the UNDP.


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