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The Global Gender Gap Index 2008 Rankings
SOURCE: World Economic Forum

    This table is derived from the Global Gender Gap Report 2008, published by the World Economic Forum, and it is the result of collaboration of the WEF with faculty at Harvard University and University of California, Berkeley. For explanations, please refer to the notes below the table.

            Level of Gender Equality Achieved, by Country
              Ranked by Highest to Lowest Score in 2008
    Rank		Country    		Score
      1		Norway				0.8239
      2		Finland				0.8195
      3		Sweden				0.8139
      4		Iceland				0.7999
      5		New Zealand			0.7859
      6		Philippines			0.7568
      7		Denmark				0.7538
      8		Ireland				0.7518
      9		Netherlands			0.7399
    10		Latvia				0.7397
    11		Germany				0.7394
    12		Sri Lanka				0.7371
    13		United Kingdom		0.7366
    14		Switzerland			0.7360
    15		France				0.7341
    16		Lesotho				0.7320
    17		Spain				0.7281
    18		Mozambique			0.7266
    19		Trinidad and Tobago	0.7245
    20		Moldova				0.7244
    21		Australia				0.7241
    22		South Africa			0.7232
    23		Lithuania				0.7222
    24		Argentina				0.7209
    25		Cuba				0.7195
    26		Barbados				0.7188
    27		United States			0.7179
    28		Belgium				0.7163
    29		Austria				0.7153
    30		Namibia				0.7141
    31		Canada				0.7136
    32		Costa Rica			0.7111
    33		Belarus				0.7099
    34		Panama				0.7095
    35		Ecuador				0.7091
    36		Bulgaria				0.7077
    37		Estonia				0.7076
    38		Tanzania				0.7068
    39		Portugal				0.7051
    40		Mongolia				0.7049
    41		Kyrgyz Republic		0.7045
    42		Russian Federation		0.6994
    43		Uganda				0.6981
    44		Jamaica				0.6980
    45		Kazakhstan			0.6976
    46		Croatia				0.6967
    47		Honduras			0.6960
    48		Peru				0.6959
    49		Poland				0.6951
    50		Colombia				0.6944
    51		Slovenia				0.6937
    52		Thailand				0.6917
    53		F.Y.R.O.Macedonia		0.6914
    54		Uruguay				0.6907
    55		Uzbekistan			0.6906
    56		Israel				0.6900
    57		China				0.6878
    58		El Salvador			0.6875
    59		Venezuela			0.6875
    60		Hungary				0.6867
    61		Azerbaijan			0.6856
    62		Ukraine				0.6856
    63		Botswana			0.6839
    64		Slovak Republic		0.6824
    65		Chile				0.6818
    66		Luxembourg			0.6802
    67		Italy					0.6788
    68		Vietnam				0.6778
    69		Czech Republic		0.6770
    70		Romania				0.6763
    71		Nicaragua			0.6747
    72		Dominican Republic	0.6744
    73		Brazil				0.6737
    74		Madagascar			0.6736
    75		Greece				0.6727
    76		Cyprus				0.6694
    77		Ghana				0.6679
    78		Armenia				0.6677
    79		Suriname				0.6674
    80		Bolivia				0.6667
    81		Malawi				0.6664
    82		Georgia				0.6654
    83		Malta				0.6634
    84		Singapore			0.6625
    85		Gambia, The			0.6622
    86		Belize				0.6610
    87		Albania				0.6591
    88		Kenya				0.6547
    89		Tajikistan				0.6541
    90		Bangladesh			0.6531
    91		Maldives				0.6501
    92		Zimbabwe			0.6485
    93		Indonesia			0.6473
    94		Cambodia			0.6469
    95		Mauritius				0.6466
    96		Malaysia				0.6442
    97		Mexico				0.6441
    98		Japan				0.6434
    99		Brueni Darussalem		0.6392
    100		Paraguay				0.6379
    101		Kuwait				0.6358
    102		Nigeria				0.6339
    103		Tunisia				0.6295
    104		Jordan				0.6275
    105		United Arab Emirates	0.6220
    106		Zambia				0.6205
    107		Syria				0.6181
    108		Korea, Rep.			0.6154
    109		Mali					0.6117
    110		Mauritania			0.6117
    111		Algeria				0.6111
    112		Guatemala			0.6072
    113		India				0.6060
    114		Angola				0.6032
    115		Burkina Faso			0.6029
    116		Iran					0.6021
    117		Cameroon			0.6017
    118		Oman				0.5960
    119		Qatar				0.5948
    120		Nepal				0.5942
    121		Bahrain				0.5927
    122		Ethiopia				0.5867
    123		Turkey				0.5853
    124		Egypt				0.5832
    125		Morocco				0.5757
    126		Benin				0.5582
    127		Pakistan				0.5549
    128		Saudi Arabia			0.5537
    129		Chad				0.5290
    130		Yemen				0.4664
    The scores in the above table were calculated using the following variables.

    Economic Participation and Opportunity

    Ratio: Female labour force participation over male value (Source: International Labour Organisation, Key Indicators of the Labour Market, 2006)

    Wage equality between women and men for similar work (converted to female-over-male ratio) (Source: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey 2008)

    Ratio: Estimated female earned income over male value (Source: United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2007/2008, 2005 or latest data available)

    Ratio: Female legislators, senior officials and managers over male value (Source: International Labour Organisation, LABORSTA Internet, online database, 2007 or latest data available; United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2007/2008)

    Ratio: Female professional and technical workers over male value (Source: International Labour Organisation, LABORSTA Internet, online database, 2007 or latest data available; United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2007/2008)

    Educational Attainment

    Ratio: Female literacy rate over male value (Source: United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2007/2008, 2005 or latest data available; UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Education Indicators, 2007 or latest data available; World Bank's World Development Indicators, Online Database, 2005 or latest data available)

    Ratio: Female net primary level enrolment over male value (Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Education Indicators, 2007 or latest data available; World Bank's World Development Indicators, Online Database, 2007 or latest data available)

    Ratio: Female net secondary level enrolment over male value (Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Education Indicators, 2007 or latest data available; World Bank's World Development Indicators, Online Database, 2007 or latest data available)

    Ratio: Female gross tertiary level enrolment over male value (Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Education Indicators, 2007 or latest data available; World Bank's World Development Indicators, Online Database, 2007 or latest data available)

    Political Empowerment

    Ratio: Women with seats in parliament over male value (Source: Inter-Parliamentary Union - National Women in Parliaments, 2008)

    Ratio: Women at ministerial level over male value (Source: Inter-Parliamentary Union - E-Parliament Report, 2008)

    Ratio: Number of years of a female head of state or government (last 50 years) over male value (Source: Own calculations, as of June 2008)

    Health and Survival

    Ratio: Female healthy life expectancy over male value (Source: World Health Organization, Online Database (WHOSIS), data from 2003

    Sex ratio at birth (converted to female-over-male ratio) (Source: Central Intelligence Agency, The CIA World Factbook, 2008 Edition)

NOTE: The table on this page is re-published from data provided by the World Economic Forum. No claims are made regarding the gender gap/gender equality data contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about the global gender gap index should be addressed to the WEF.

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This page was last modified 4-NOV-08
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