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32. 1997 Economic Census

872. Small Establishments, Employees, and Payroll, by Employment-Size Class and Industry

[Data are based on the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).Covers establishments with payroll. Employees are for the weekincluding March 12. Most government employees are excluded.For statement on methodology, see Appendix III and summary below]

1994 1994 1994
Employment size-class All Finance
Unit indus- Agricultural Wholesale Retail and
tries 1 services 2 Mining Construction Manufacturing Transportation 3 trade trade insurance 4 Services
Establishments, total Number 6,509,276 104,390 28,313 620,852 386,868 276,188 512,489 1,564,175 617,374 2,342,302
  1 to 4 employees Number 3,575,704 71,526 14,430 404,769 136,642 146,993 253,265 716,811 383,065 1,396,052
  5 to 9 employees Number 1,286,260 18,647 4,583 108,659 65,516 46,488 109,360 369,284 111,517 449,333
  10 to 19 employees Number 799,561 9,571 3,879 61,013 59,478 34,671 78,536 235,166 65,375 250,922
  20 + employees Number 847,751 4,646 5,421 46,411 125,232 48,036 71,328 242,914 57,417 245,995
Employees, total 1,000 96,733 586 608 4,709 18,098 5,714 6,366 20,320 7,002 33,253
  1 to 4 employees 1,000 6,135 101 24 626 243 245 466 1,312 654 2,430
  5 to 9 employees 1,000 8,492 (D) (D) 711 441 307 727 2,459 735 2,941
  10 to 19 employees 1,000 10,745 126 53 814 817 472 1,061 3,159 874 3,356
  20 + employees 1,000 71,361 162 349 2,559 16,597 4,689 4,111 13,391 4,740 24,526
Annual payroll Mil. dol 2,488,228 11,204 25,120 136,532 597,896 190,877 210,157 282,293 239,030 793,953
  1 to 4 employees Mil. dol 164,102 2,240 940 16,641 7,611 7,389 15,805 22,718 19,584 70,337
  5 to 9 employees Mil. dol 178,344 (D) (D) 16,246 10,356 7,510 21,063 30,868 19,819 69,338
  10 to 19 employees Mil. dol 236,564 2,342 1,724 21,381 21,108 12,428 32,210 38,550 25,523 81,208
  20 + employees Mil. dol 1,909,217 3,135 14,376 82,264 558,821 163,550 141,080 190,157 174,104 573,070
  1995 1995 1995
  Agricul- Finance
EMPLOYMENT SIZE-CLASS All tural Mining Con- Manufac- Transpor- Whole Retail and Serv-
  Unit indus- serv- struction turing tation 3 sale trade insur- ices
  tries 1 ices 2 trade ance 4
Establishments, total Number 6,613,218 108,353 27,356 634,030 389,925 284,986 517,737 1,567,884 628,499 2,385,532
  1 to 4 employees Number 3,615,126 73,279 13,844 406,601 135,382 151,898 255,883 709,670 393,204 1,411,854
  5 to 9 employees Number 1,299,747 19,618 4,438 112,651 65,750 47,953 108,576 367,964 113,021 456,142
  10 to 19 employees Number 817,905 10,257 3,748 64,150 60,336 35,490 79,004 240,456 65,666 257,549
  20 + employees Number 880,440 5,199 5,326 50,628 128,457 49,645 74,274 249,794 56,608 259,987
Employees, total 1,000 100,335 630 627 5,039 18,612 5,924 6,606 21,085 6,998 34,707
  1 to 4 employees 1,000 6,202 (D) (D) 646 241 253 468 1,301 673 2,450
  5 to 9 employees 1,000 8,583 129 30 738 442 317 723 2,450 743 2,988
  10 to 19 employees 1,000 11,000 135 52 858 830 483 1,070 3,234 874 3,447
  20 + employees 1,000 74,550 (D) (D) 2,797 17,099 4,871 4,345 14,100 4,708 25,823
Annual payroll Mil. dol 2,666,412 12,099 25,697 147,274 631,000 200,880 226,993 300,040 256,153 864,352
  1 to 4 employees Mil. dol 173,034 (D) (D) 16,636 7,752 7,647 16,787 23,366 21,510 74,938
  5 to 9 employees Mil. dol 185,709 2,171 930 16,744 10,563 7,848 21,769 31,495 21,367 72,585
  10 to 19 employees Mil. dol 249,640 2,551 1,688 22,627 21,828 13,055 33,680 40,269 27,057 86,729
  20 + employees Mil. dol 2,058,029 (D) (D) 91,266 590,857 172,331 154,757 204,910 186,219 630,100
  1996 1996 1996
  Agricul- Finance
EMPLOYMENT SIZE-CLASS All tural Mining Con- Manufac- Transpor- Whole Retail and Serv-
  Unit indus- serv- struction turing tation 3 sale trade insur- ices
  tries1 services 2 trade ance 4
Establishments, total Number 6,738,541 113,000 26,857 657,718 393,060 295,205 531,220 1,579,264 650,161 2,461,235
  1 to 4 employees Number 3,698,120 76,367 13,830 424,691 136,245 160,078 268,251 716,010 410,078 1,464,163
  5 to 9 employees Number 1,316,760 20,129 4,282 114,845 66,776 48,942 109,463 368,278 116,285 466,138
  10 to 19 employees Number 827,726 10,913 3,643 65,696 60,894 35,699 78,635 241,646 66,513 263,517
  20 + employees Number 895,935 5,591 5,102 52,486 129,145 50,486 74,871 253,330 57,285 267,417
Employees, total 1,000 102,199 664 574 5,207 18,558 6,057 6,665 21,487 7,194 35,750
  1 to 4 employees 1,000 6,287 107 23 667 243 262 486 1,299 692 2,491
  5 to 9 employees 1,000 8,701 132 29 752 450 323 728 2,455 765 3,056
  10 to 19 employees 1,000 11,127 144 50 879 838 487 1,063 3,245 886 3,527
  20 + employees 1,000 76,084 (D) 473 2,910 17,027 4,985 4,388 14,487 4,851 26,676
Annual payroll Mil. dol 2,848,955 13,289 26,489 160,877 659,644 211,880 240,314 317,660 285,032 933,003
  1 to 4 employees Mil. dol 185,512 2,443 904 18,335 8,429 8,180 17,898 24,561 23,628 80,586
  5 to 9 employees Mil. dol 196,430 2,323 949 17,987 11,224 8,318 22,805 32,616 23,520 76,600
  10 to 19 employees Mil. dol 264,870 2,796 1,793 24,397 23,196 13,680 34,907 42,354 29,699 91,978
  20 + employees Mil. dol 2,202,144 (D) 22,842 100,147 616,795 181,702 164,704 218,129 208,185 683,839
  1997 1997 1997
  Agricul- Finance
EMPLOYMENT SIZE-CLASS All tural Mining Con- Manufac- Transpor- Whole Retail and Serv-
  Unit indus- serv- struction turing tation 3 sale trade insur- ices
  tries1 ices 2 trade ance 4
Establishments, total Number 6,894,869 116,588 (NA) (NA) 393,091 300,644 529,993 1,588,717 676,799 2,543,677
  1 to 4 employees Number 3,757,627 77,601 (NA) (NA) 135,131 162,768 264,055 705,461 429,866 1,493,572
  5 to 9 employees Number 1,354,488 21,001 (NA) (NA) 66,215 49,766 111,167 372,908 122,067 487,741
  10 to 19 employees Number 856,118 11,831 (NA) (NA) 61,214 36,205 79,840 248,575 67,182 279,606
  20 + employees Number 926,636 6,155 (NA) (NA) 130,531 51,905 74,931 261,773 57,684 282,758
Employees, total 1,000 105,299 727 (NA) (NA) 18,633 6,247 6,810 22,003 7,367 37,380
  1 to 4 employees 1,000 6,433 111 (NA) (NA) 242 270 487 1,314 729 2,562
  5 to 9 employees 1,000 8,950 138 (NA) (NA) 446 329 740 2,485 802 3,200
  10 to 19 employees 1,000 11,501 156 (NA) (NA) 843 494 1,077 3,338 893 3,739
  20 + employees 1,000 78,416 (D) (NA) (NA) 17,102 5,154 4,581 14,866 4,943 27,878
Annual payroll Mil. dol 3,047,907 15,062 (NA) (NA) 688,629 226,026 255,865 330,334 313,257 1,013,965
  1 to 4 employees Mil. dol 196,234 2,617 (NA) (NA) 8,824 8,566 18,537 24,515 26,972 85,479
  5 to 9 employees Mil. dol 209,651 2,515 (NA) (NA) 11,598 8,820 24,088 34,203 25,613 82,692
  10 to 19 employees Mil. dol 282,352 3,114 (NA) (NA) 24,138 14,473 36,842 44,531 31,459 99,940
  20 + employees Mil. dol 2,359,670 (D) (NA) (NA) 644,071 51,303 176,399 227,085 229,213 745,855

D Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies; data are included in higher-level totals.
1 Includes nonclassifiable establishments not shown separately.
2 Includes forestry and fisheries.
3 Includes other public utilities.
4 Includes real estate.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,County Business Patterns, annual.


County Business Patterns is an annual series that includes aseparate report for each State, the District of Columbia, PuertoRico, and a U.S. Summary. Each report presents State- andcounty-level mid-March employment, first-quarter and annualpayrolls, total number of establishments, and number ofestablishments by employment-size class. The data are tabulated byindustry as defined in the Standard Industrial ClassificationManual: 1987. Most of the economic divisions of the Nation'seconomy are covered in these reports; i.e., agricultural services;mining; construction; manufacturing; transportation, publicutilities; wholesale trade; retail trade; finance, insurance, realestate; and services.

This series represents an extension of a program that has beenpublished annually since 1964 and at irregular intervals dating backto 1946. The comparability of data may be affected by: adefinitional change to an "establishment" basis of tabulation from a"reporting unit" concept prior to 1974; the determination of"active" status of an establishment prior to 1983; and changes inindustrial classification beginning in 1988. A description ofprevious publications is provided on the inside back cover.The data generally represent the types of employment covered bythe Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). Data for employeesof establishments totally exempt from FICA are excluded, as areself-employed persons, domestic service workers, railroad employees,agricultural production workers, most government employees, andemployees on ocean borne vessels or in foreign countries.County Business Patterns is the only series that provides annualsubnational data by two-, three-, and four-digit levels of theStandard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. The series,therefore, is most useful for making basic economic studies of smallareas, for analyzing the industrial structure of regions, and as abenchmark for statistical series, surveys, and databases betweeneconomic censuses. The series serves various business uses; e.g.,analyzing market potential, measuring the effectiveness of sales andadvertising programs, and setting sales quotas and budgets. Thedata are also used by government agencies for administration andplanning.


County Business Patterns basic data items are extracted from theStandard Statistical Establishment List, a file of all known singleand multi establishment companies maintained and updated by theBureau of the Census. The Annual Company Organization Surveyprovides individual establishment data for multilocation firms. Data for single-location firms are obtained from various programsconducted by the Census Bureau, such as the Annual Report ofOrganization, the Annual Survey of Manufactures, and CurrentBusiness Surveys, as well as from administrative records of theInternal Revenue Service (IRS).



An establishment is a single physical location at which businessis conducted or where services or industrial operations areperformed. It is not necessarily identical with a company orenterprise, which may consist of one establishment or more. Allactivities carried on at a location generally are grouped togetherand classified on the basis of the major reported activity, and alldata for the establishment are included in that classification.Administrative and auxiliary establishments primarily manage,administer, service, or support the activities of otherestablishments of the same company rather than the establishments ofother business firms or the general public. Employment and payrollfor these establishments are shown separately by industry divisionfor each State and county.

Establishment-size designations are determined by paid employmentin the mid-March pay period. The size group "1 to 4" includesestablishments that did not report any paid employees in themid-March pay period but paid wages to at least one employee at sometime during the year.

Establishment counts represent the number of locations determinedto be active any time during the year (payroll reported in anyquarter). In years prior to 1983, the count of establishmentsrepresented the number of businesses active in the fourth quarter. A comparison of the number of establishments based on bothdefinitions was presented by major industry group for the UnitedStates as a whole in Appendix D of the 1982 U.S. Summary.This report excludes governmental establishments classified inthe covered industries except for liquor stores (SIC 592) andwholesale liquor establishments (SIC 518) operated by State andlocal governments and all hospitals (SIC 806) beginning with 1989data.


Total annual payroll includes all forms of compensation, such assalaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, vacation allowances,sick-leave pay, and the value of payments in kind (e.g., free mealsand lodgings) paid during the year to all employees. Tips andgratuities received by employees from patrons and reported toemployers are included. For corporations, it includes amounts paidto officers and executives; for unincorporated businesses, it doesnot include profit or other compensation of proprietors or partners. Payroll is reported before deductions for Social Security, incometax, insurance, union dues, etc. This definition of payroll is thesame as that used on IRS Form 941. First- quarter payroll consistsof payroll, as defined above, paid to persons employed at any timeduring the January-to-March quarter.

Mid-March Employment

Paid employment consists of full- and part-time employees,including salaried officers and executives of corporations, who wereon the payroll in the pay period including March 12. Included areemployees on paid sick leave, holidays, and vacations; not includedare proprietors and partners of unincorporated businesses. Thedefinition of paid employees is the same as that used on IRS Form941

Industry Classification

Beginning with the 1988 County Business Patterns series, industryclassifications are based on the 1987 edition of the SIC Manual. Because of time and cost limitations, it was not possible toretabulate 1987 data based on the revised SIC codes. Although the1988 U.S. Summary contained appendixes describing the relationbetween old and new classification systems, users should exercisecaution when analyzing changes in reported levels between 1988 and1987 data years for industries affected by the SIC revision.In a few instances, the most detailed industrial classificationfor which data are shown represents a combination of more detailedSIC industries. These classifications are explained in an appendixin the U.S. Summary. The industry titles used throughout thispublication are the short SIC titles; complete descriptions arecontained in the SIC Manual. Typically, "unclassifiedestablishments" includes new businesses that cannot be classified inany major industry group because of insufficient kind-of-businessinformation.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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