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32. 1997 Economic Census

356. U.S. Supreme Court -- Cases Filed and Disposition

[Statutory term of court begins first Monday in October]

Action 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
    Total cases on docket.. 5,144 5,311 5,079 5,100 5,006 5,158 5,123 5,268 5,657 5,746 6,316 6,770 7,245 7,786 8,100 7,565 7,602 7,692 8,083
Appellate cases on docket .. 2,749 2,935 2,710 2,688 2,575 2,571 2,547 2,577 2,587 2,416 2,351 2,451 2,441 2,442 2,515 2,456 2,430 2,432 2,387
  From prior term. 527 522 545 520 539 400 476 440 446 384 365 365 379 342 377 361 375 347 326
  Docketed during present term.. 2,222 2,413 2,165 2,168 2,036 2,171 2,071 2,137 2,141 2,032 1,986 2,086 2,062 2,100 2,138 2,095 2,055 2,085 2,061
  Cases acted upon .. 2,324 2,513 2,279 2,220 2,253 2,185 2,189 2,224 2,271 2,096 2,042 2,125 2,140 2,099 2,185 2,130 2,124 2,142 2,092
    Granted review. 167 203 169 140 167 166 152 157 130 103 114 103 83 78 83 92 74 75 72
    Denied, dismissed, or withdrawn.. 1,999 2,100 1,892 1,902 1,953 1,863 1,876 1,919 1,973 1,881 1,802 1,914 1,920 1,947 2,016 1,945 1,955 1,990 1,940
    Summarily decided. 90 114 113 71 59 78 71 66 75 44 81 52 84 34 52 62 66 36 44
  Cases not acted upon.. 425 422 413 468 322 386 358 353 316 320 309 326 301 343 330 326 306 290 295
Pauper cases on docket.. 2,371 2,354 2,352 2,394 2,416 2,577 2,564 2,675 3,056 3,316 3,951 4,307 4,792 5,332 5,574 5,098 5,165 5,253 5,689
  Cases acted upon 1. 2,027 2,039 2,013 1,992 2,087 2,189 2,250 2,263 2,638 2,891 3,436 3,768 4,261 4,621 4,983 4,514 4,613 4,616 4,951
    Granted review.. 17 7 10 9 18 20 15 23 17 19 27 17 14 21 10 13 13 14 9
    Denied, dismissed, or withdrawn.. 1,968 2,014 1,995 1,968 2,050 2,136 2,186 2,210 2,577 2,824 3,369 3,716 4,209 4,566 4,955 4,439 4,582 4,581 4,926
    Summarily decided.. 32 12 6 10 14 24 38 21 32 35 28 22 25 30 14 55 15 14 11
  Cases not acted upon.. 344 315 339 402 329 388 314 412 418 425 515 539 531 711 591 584 552 637 738
Original cases on docket.. 24 22 17 18 15 10 12 16 14 14 14 12 12 12 11 11 7 7 7
  Cases disposed of during term 7 6 3 7 8 2 1 5 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 2
    Total cases available
      for argument 264 318 312 269 271 276 270 280 254 204 201 196 166 145 136 145 140 138 126
Cases disposed of 162 192 199 189 184 175 179 175 173 147 131 130 120 105 97 93 92 97 94
  Cases argued. 154 184 183 184 175 171 175 167 170 146 125 127 116 99 94 90 90 96 90
  Cases dismissed or remanded
    without argument 8 8 16 5 9 4 4 8 3 1 6 3 4 6 3 3 2 1 4
Cases remaining.. 102 126 113 80 87 101 91 105 81 57 70 66 46 40 39 52 48 41 32
Cases decided by signed opinion.. 144 170 174 174 159 161 164 151 156 143 121 120 111 93 91 87 87 93 84
Cases decided by per curiam opinion.. 8 10 6 6 11 10 10 9 12 3 4 3 4 6 3 3 3 1 4
Number of signed opinions.. 123 141 151 151 139 146 145 139 133 129 112 107 107 84 82 75 80 91 75

1 Beginning 1980, includes cases granted review and carried overto next term, not shown separately.

Source: Office of the Clerk, Supreme Court of the United States, unpublished data.

*United States Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice of the UnitedStates and eight associate justices. At its discretion, and within certain guidelinesestablished by Congress, the Supreme Court each year hears a limitednumber of the cases it is asked to decide. Those cases may begin in the federalor state courts, and they usually involve important questions about theConstitution or federal law.


About appeals; an appellate court has the power to review the judgment of alower court (trial court) or tribunal. For example, the U.S. circuit courts ofappeals review the decisions of the U.S. district courts.


Government entity authorized to resolve legal disputes. Judges sometimesuse �court to refer to themselves in the third person, as in �the court hasread the briefs.


A log containing the complete history of each case in the form of brief chronologicalentries summarizing the court proceedings.


A judges written explanation of the decision of the court. Because a casemay be heard by three or more judges in the court of appeals, the opinionin appellate decisions can take several forms. If all the judges completelyagree on the result, one judge will write the opinion for all. If all the judgesdo not agree, the formal decision will be based upon the view of the majority,and one member of the majority will write the opinion. The judgeswho did not agree with the majority may write separately in dissenting orconcurring opinions to present their views. A dissenting opinion disagreeswith the majority opinion because of the reasoning and/or the principlesof law the majority used to decide the case. A concurring opinion agreeswith the decision of the majority opinion, but offers further comment or clarificationor even an entirely different reason for reaching the same result. Only the majorityopinion can serve as binding precedent in future cases. See also precedent.


The act of an appellate court sending a case to a lower court for furtherproceedings.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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