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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

334. Murder Victims, by Age, Sex, and Race

1997 1997 1998 1998
Age Sex Race Sex Race
1995 1996 Total Total
Male Female Unknown White Black Other Unknown Male Female Unknown White Black Other Unknown
  Total.. 20,043 16,967 15,837 12,225 3,587 25 7,496 7,690 456 195 14,209 10,678 3,466 65 7,024 6,641 329 215
    Percent distribution.. 100.0 100.0 100.0 77.2 22.6 0.2 47.3 48.6 2.9 1.2 100.0 75.1 24.4 0.5 49.4 46.7 2.3 1.5
Under 18 yrs. old.. 2,428 2,076 1,790 1,253 536 1 843 836 93 18 1,613 1,089 524 0 857 696 44 16
18 yrs. old and over.. 17,278 14,647 13,744 10,770 2,974 0 6,524 6,749 352 119 12,294 9,408 2,882 4 6,058 5,850 281 105
Infant (under 1 yr. old).. 249 265 242 143 99 0 142 82 10 8 224 136 88 0 132 80 5 7
1 to 4 yrs. old.. 411 399 319 158 160 1 163 140 12 4 324 177 147 0 176 137 7 4
5 to 8 yrs. old 103 104 114 62 52 0 61 45 7 1 112 50 62 0 67 40 5 0
9 to 12 yrs. old 103 91 99 58 41 0 62 30 6 1 100 46 54 0 67 26 7 0
13 to 16 yrs. old.. 953 727 583 455 128 0 245 299 37 2 483 356 127 0 242 227 12 2
17 to 19 yrs. old.. 2,116 1,759 1,623 1,412 211 0 619 942 52 10 1,470 1,264 205 1 634 788 39 9
20 to 24 yrs. old.. 3,559 2,949 2,916 2,508 408 0 1,109 1,732 58 17 2,526 2,169 356 1 1,035 1,440 36 15
25 to 29 yrs. old.. 2,814 2,376 2,175 1,811 364 0 914 1,180 58 23 2,026 1,626 399 1 828 1,130 49 19
30 to 34 yrs. old.. 2,526 2,001 1,842 1,398 444 0 865 925 38 14 1,535 1,125 410 0 788 708 28 11
35 to 39 yrs. old.. 1,966 1,795 1,580 1,148 432 0 765 755 44 16 1,462 1,018 444 0 749 667 30 16
40 to 44 yrs. old.. 1,517 1,295 1,213 895 318 0 631 536 31 15 1,181 830 351 0 637 495 36 13
45 to 49 yrs. old.. 993 932 888 648 240 0 504 338 38 8 768 548 219 1 427 304 26 11
50 to 54 yrs. old.. 645 586 540 401 139 0 345 174 16 5 499 376 123 0 306 177 12 4
55 to 59 yrs. old.. 471 389 372 268 104 0 240 112 13 7 324 243 81 0 215 99 7 3
60 to 64 yrs. old.. 352 299 275 201 74 0 161 101 10 3 229 169 60 0 148 71 8 2
65 to 69 yrs. old.. 292 234 211 149 62 0 136 68 4 3 180 130 50 0 123 48 7 2
70 to 74 yrs. old.. 222 181 198 131 67 0 142 51 5 0 162 96 66 0 122 33 5 2
75 yrs. old and over.. 414 341 344 177 167 0 263 75 6 0 302 138 164 0 219 76 6 1
Age unknown.. 337 244 303 202 77 24 129 105 11 58 302 181 60 61 109 95 4 94

Source: U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States, annual.



Uniform Crime Reports

The FBIs UCR Program, which began in 1929, collectsinformation on the following crimes reported to law enforcementauthorities: homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravatedassault, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.Arrests are reported for 21 additional crime categories.The UCR data are compiled from monthly law enforcementreports or individual crime incident records transmitted directlyto the FBI or to centralized state agencies that then report tothe FBI. Each report submitted to the UCR Program is examinedthoroughly for reasonableness, accuracy, and deviationsthat may indicate errors. Large variations in crime levels mayindicate modified records procedures, incomplete reporting, orchanges in a jurisdictions boundaries. To identify any unusualfluctuations in an agencys crime counts, monthly reports arecompared with previous submissions of the agency and withthose for similar agencies.

In 1995, law enforcement agencies active in the UCRProgram represented approximately 251 million United Statesinhabitants95 percent of the U.S. population.The UCR Program provides crime counts for the Nation asa whole, as well as for regions, states, counties, cities, and towns.This permits studies among neighboring jurisdictions andamong those with similar populations and other common characteristics.UCR findings for each calendar year are published in apreliminary release in the spring, followed by a detailed annualreport, Crime in the United States, issued in the followingcalendar year. In addition to crime counts and trends, this reportincludes data on crimes cleared, persons arrested (age, sex,and race), law enforcement personnel (including the numberof sworn officers killed or assaulted), and the characteristics ofhomicides (including age, sex, and race of victims and offenders,victim-offender relationships, weapons used, and circum-stancessurrounding the homicides). Other special reports arealso available from the UCR Program.*The Crime Index

The following offenses and attempts to commit these offenses are used in compiling the Crime Index: (1) murder andnonnegligent manslaughter, (2) forcible rape, (3) robbery, (4) aggravated assault, (5) burglary, (6) larceny-theft, (7) motorvehicle theft, and (8) arson. Arson was added as the eighth index offense in October 1978. (Manslaughter by negligence andsimple or minor assaults are not included in the Crime Index.)

Offenses in the UCR program are divided into two groupings, Part I and Part II. Information on the volume of Part I offensesknown to law enforcement, those cleared by arrest or exceptional means, and the number of persons arrested is reportedmonthly. Only arrest data are reported for Part II offenses.

Part I offenses

Criminal homicide-- a. Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter: the willful (nonnegligent) killing of one human being byanother. Deaths caused by negligence, attempts to kill, assaults to kill, suicides, accidental deaths, and justifiable homicides areexcluded. Justifiable homicides are limited to: (1) the killing of a felon by a law enforcement officer in the line of duty and (2)the killing of a felon by a private citizen. b. Manslaughter by negligence: the killing of another person through gross negligence.Traffic fatalities are excluded. While manslaughter by negligence is a Part I crime, it is not included in the Crime Index.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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