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32. 1997 Economic Census

1364. Gross National Product, by Country: 1998

[3 represents $3,000,000,000.Gross national product calculated using the World Bank Atlas method.This involves using a three-year average of exchange rates to smooththe effects of transitory exchange rate fluctuations.Growth rates are calculated from data in constant prices and national currency units.Economies with missing data are included in the ranking process at their approximate level, so that the relative order of other economies remains consistent. In 1998, Luxembourg was judged to have the highest GNP per capita.Minus sign (-) indicates decrease]

Gross national product Gross national product GNP on purchasing
per capita power parity basis
- - -
Average Average Per capita
COUNTRY Total annual Amount annual Total
(bil. dol.) Rank growth, (dol) Rank growth, (bil. Amount
1997-98 1997-98 dol.) (dol) Rank
(percent) (percent)
Albania 3 135 7.9 810 139 6.8 10 2,864 137
Algeria 46 51 5.8 1,550 113 3.6 137 4,595 101
Angola 5 115 19.8 380 165 16.3 12 999 183
Argentina 290 17 3.9 8,030 55 2.6 424 11,728 53
Armenia 2 155 3.4 460 160 3.1 8 2,074 150
Australia 387 14 5.6 20,640 23 4.4 409 21,795 20
Austria 217 21 3.3 26,830 12 3.2 187 23,145 15
Azerbaijan 4 123 9.9 480 156 8.9 17 2,168 149
Bangladesh 44 53 5.9 350 173 4.2 177 1,407 168
Belarus 22 62 10.5 2,180 99 10.8 65 6,314 81
Belgium 259 19 3.0 25,380 15 2.8 241 23,622 13
Benin 2 141 4.7 380 165 1.9 5 857 189
Bolivia 8 93 5.1 1,010 134 2.7 18 2,205 146
Botswana 5 111 3.7 3,070 87 1.8 9 5,796 86
Brazil 768 8 - 4,630 68 -1.4 1,070 6,460 80
Bulgaria 10 84 4.4 1,220 125 5.1 39 4,683 100
Burkina Faso 3 138 6.3 240 191 3.8 9 866 188
Burundi 1 170 4.7 140 202 2.6 4 561 203
Cambodia 3 132 -0.1 260 187 -2.3 14 1,246 175
Cameroon 9 89 6.7 610 152 3.8 20 1,395 170
Canada 581 9 2.9 19,170 26 2.0 691 22,814 17
Central African Republic 1 166 4.5 300 181 2.6 4 1,098 179
Chad 2 157 8.4 230 192 5.5 6 843 191
Chile 74 42 8.7 4,990 66 7.2 126 8,507 68
China 1 924 7 7.4 750 145 6.4 3,779 3,051 132
Colombia 101 35 -0.6 2,470 93 -2.4 239 5,861 84
Congo (Brazzaville) 2 149 11.4 680 148 8.4 2 846 190
Congo (Kinshasa) 2 5 104 4.0 110 205 0.7 35 733 195
Costa Rica 10 85 4.7 2,770 89 2.9 20 5,812 85
Cote d'Ivoire 10 83 5.9 700 147 3.9 21 1,484 164
Croatia 21 64 1.8 4,620 69 2.6 30 6,698 78
Czech Republic 53 48 -2.2 5,150 65 -2.1 126 12,197 52
Denmark 175 23 2.7 33,040 6 2.4 126 23,855 12
Dominican Republic 15 77 6.8 1,770 105 4.9 36 4,337 104
Ecuador 18 70 4.2 1,520 116 2.2 37 3,003 133
Egypt 79 40 6.3 1,290 121 4.5 193 3,146 129
El Salvador 11 80 3.3 1,850 103 1.1 24 4,008 114
Eritrea 1 174 -4.0 200 198 -6.7 4 984 184
Estonia 5 110 5.7 3,360 82 6.4 11 7,563 73
Ethiopia 6 101 -1.8 100 206 -4.2 35 566 202
Finland 125 31 6.7 24,280 19 6.5 106 20,641 24
France 3 1,465 4 3.2 3 24,210 20 2.8 1,248 21,214 22
Gabon 5 107 5.7 4,170 72 3.2 7 5,615 89
Gambia, The 0 189 5.0 340 176 2.0 2 1,428 167
Georgia 5 105 2.7 970 136 2.5 19 3,429 124
Germany 2,180 3 2.8 26,570 13 2.8 1,807 22,026 19
Ghana 7 96 4.6 390 164 1.9 32 1,735 157
Greece 123 32 3.3 11,740 46 3.1 147 13,994 49
Guatemala 18 71 5.5 1,640 111 2.8 38 3,474 122
Guinea-Bissau 0 200 -28.9 160 201 -30.4 1 573 201
Guinea 4 125 3.9 530 154 1.5 12 1,722 158
Haiti 3 131 3.2 410 162 1.1 11 1,379 171
Honduras 5 116 4.0 740 146 1.1 14 2,338 142
Hong Kong 4 158 24 -5.1 4 23,660 21 -7.8 139 20,763 23
Hungary 46 52 4.2 4,510 71 4.6 99 9,832 63
India 427 11 6.2 440 161 4.3 2,018 2,060 151
Indonesia 131 30 -16.7 640 149 -18.0 490 2,407 141
Iran 102 34 1.5 1,650 110 -0.2 317 5,121 95
Ireland 69 43 9.2 18,710 27 7.9 67 17,991 33
Israel 97 36 3.4 16,180 32 1.2 101 16,861 38
Italy 1,157 6 1.4 20,090 25 1.3 1,173 20,365 25
Jamaica 5 117 0.9 1,740 108 0.1 9 3,344 126
Japan 4,089 2 -2.7 32,350 7 -2.9 2,982 23,592 14