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32. 1997 Economic Census

1279. Motor Vehicle Factory Sales and Retail Sales

[Number of vehicles sold in thousands (10,211 represents 10,211,000]

Type 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
    Factory sales, total 8,239 10,638 11,271 12,637 10,059 8,985 11,480 12,642 12,871 11,456 8,067 7,956 6,955 9,153 10,696 11,359 10,909 10,907 11,225 10,869 9,769 8,783 9,747 10,857 12,189 12,023 11,916 (NA)
Passenger cars 6,547 8,585 8,824 9,658 7,331 6,713 8,500 9,201 9,165 8,419 6,400 6,255 5,049 6,739 7,621 8,002 7,516 7,085 7,105 6,807 6,050 5,407 5,685 5,962 6,549 6,310 6,140 (NA)
Trucks and buses 1,692 2,053 2,447 2,980 2,727 2,272 2,979 3,441 3,706 3,037 1,667 1,701 1,906 2,414 3,075 3,357 3,393 3,821 4,121 4,062 3,719 3,375 4,062 4,895 5,640 5,713 5,776 (NA)
    Retail sales, total 10,211 12,338 13,569 14,572 11,541 11,102 13,291 14,858 15,423 14,153 11,466 10,796 10,542 12,311 14,483 15,724 16,323 15,189 15,679 14,713 14,146 12,539 13,116 14,199 15,411 15,116 15,456 15,500
Passenger cars (new), total 8,400 10,242 10,940 11,424 8,853 8,624 10,110 11,183 11,314 10,673 8,979 8,536 7,982 9,182 10,390 11,042 11,460 10,277 10,530 9,772 9,300 8,175 8,213 8,517 8,990 8,634 8,527 8,272
  Domestic 1 7,119 8,681 9,327 9,676 7,454 7,053 8,611 9,109 9,312 8,341 6,581 6,209 5,759 6,795 7,952 8,205 8,215 7,081 7,526 7,073 6,897 6,137 6,277 6,741 7,255 7,128 7,254 6,917
  Imports 1,280 1,561 1,614 1,748 1,399 1,571 1,498 2,074 2,002 2,332 2,398 2,327 2,224 2,387 2,439 2,838 3,245 3,196 3,004 2,699 2,403 2,038 1,936 1,776 1,735 1,506 1,273 1,355
Trucks (new), total 1,811 2,096 2,629 3,148 2,688 2,478 3,181 3,675 4,109 3,480 2,487 2,260 2,560 3,129 4,093 4,682 4,863 4,912 5,149 4,941 4,846 4,365 4,903 5,681 6,421 6,481 6,930 7,228
  Domestic 1 1,746 2,011 2,486 2,916 2,512 2,249 2,944 3,352 3,773 3,010 2,001 1,809 2,146 2,658 3,475 3,902 3,921 4,055 4,508 4,403 4,215 3,813 4,481 5,287 5,995 6,064 6,478 6,633
  Imports 65 85 143 232 176 229 237 323 336 470 486 451 414 471 618 780 942 857 641 538 631 551 422 394 426 417 452 595

NA Not available.
1 North American built.

Source: American Automobile Manufacturers Association, Detroit, MI,Motor Vehicle Facts and Figures, annual (copyright).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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