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32. 1997 Economic Census

1167. Nonfuel Mineral Commodities--Production, Foreign Trade, and Price

[Preliminary estimates for 1998]

1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998
Mineral Net Net
import import Average
reliance 1 Consumption Average Employment reliance 1 Consumption price Employment
Unit Production Exports (percent) apparent price (number) Production Exports (percent) apparent (dollars) (number)

Aluminum Antimony (contained)Asbestos Barite Bauxite and aluminaBeryllium (contained)Bismuth (contained)
Boron (B>>/a>2O>>/a>3 content)Bromine (contained)Cadmium (contained)Cement Chromium Clays Cobalt (contained)Columbium (contained)Copper (mine, recoverable)Diamond (industrial) Diatomite Feldspar Fluorspar Garnet (industrial) Gemstones Germanium (contained)Gold (contained)Graphite (crude)Gypsum (crude)Iodine Iron ore (usable)Iron and steel scrap (metal)Iron and steel slag (metal)Lead (contained)LimeMagnesium compounds Magnesium metal Manganese (gross weight)Mercury Mica, scrap and flake Molybdenum (contained)Nickel (contained)Nitrogen (fixed)-ammoniaPeat Perlite Phosphate rock Platinum-group metals
Potash (K
>>/a>2O equivalent)Pumice and pumicite Salt Silicon (contained)Silver (contained)Sodium carbonate (soda ash)Sodium sulfate Stone (crushed) Sulfur (all forms)TalcThallium (contained)Tin (contained)Titanium dioxideTungsten (contained)VermiculiteZinc (contained)
Zirconium (Z
>>/a>r02)-- Represents zero.D Withheld to avoid disclosing company proprietary data.
e Estimated.NA Not available.
1 Calculated as a percent of apparent consumption.
2 Dollars per pound.
3 Refinery production.
4 Dollars per metric ton.
5 Net exporter.
6 Metal, vacuum-cast ingot.
7 Granulated pentahydrate borax in bulk, f.o.b mine.
8 Dollars per kilogram.
9 Bulk, purified bromine.
10 1- to 5-short ton lots.
11 Secondary production.
12 Turkish, chromite price.
13 Columbite price.
14 Value of imports, dollars per carat.
15 Reported consumption.
16 Zone refined.
17 Dollars per troy ounce.
18 Price of flake imports.
19 Includes employment at calcining plants.
20 99.97% indium.
21 C.i.f. value, crude, per kilogram. 22 Price of eastern Canadian ore.
23 Delivered, No. 1 Heavy Melting composite price.
24 Year-end price.
25 46%-48% Mn metallurgical ore, per unit contained Mn, c.i.f. U.S. ports.
26 Dollars per 76-pound flask.
27 London Metal Exchange cash price.
28 F.o.b. gulf coast.
29 Dealer price of platinum.
30 Price of K20, muriate.
31 Vacuum and open pan, bulk, pellets and packaged, f.o.b. mine and plant.
32 Ferrosilicon, 50% Si.
33 Quoted year-end price, dense, bulk, f.o.b. Green River, WY, dollars per short ton.
34 Quoted price, bulk, f.o.b. works, East, dollars per short ton.
35 Elemental sulfur, f.o.b. mine and/or plant.
36 Rutile, list, year-end.
37 Dollars per unit W03 (7.93 kilograms of contained tungsten per unit).
38 All forms.
39 Price for imported zircon, f.o.b. U.S. east coast.Source: U.S. Geological Survey,Mineral Commodity Summaries, annual.

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Please call GLENN KINGat 301-457-1171 if you have any questions.
|027120048*Mineral Commodity Summaries: This report provides up-to-date annual summaries of about 90 nonfuel mineralcommodities. It contains information on domestic industry activities, Government programs, tariffs, world reserve basedata, and 5-year salient statistics.

1997, 197 pages, Price $16.00 (Foreign $20.00), GPO Stock #024-004-02443-7

Minerals Yearbook, Vol . I, Metals & Minerals: This volume, covering metals and minerals, contains chapters onapproximately 90 commodities. In addition, this volume has chapters on mining and quarrying trends and on statisticalsurveying methods used by Minerals Information, plus a statistical summary.

1995, 952 pages, Price $55 (Foreign $68.75), GPO Stock #024-004-02447-0 [Order]

Minerals Yearbook, Vol. II, Area Reports, Domestic: This volume reviews the U.S. mineral industry by State andIsland possessions. It presents salient statistics on production, consumption, and other pertinent data for each State andis prepared in cooperation with State Geological Surveys or related agencies.

1995, 320 pages, Price $26 (Foreign $32.50), GPO Stock #024-004-02441-1 [

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These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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